Thursday, April 28, 2016

Arts in Schools

                To start off with, and I know that this doesn’t specifically go along with the blog prompt but I must say this; yes, the arts in schools are important and of course I say this for many reasons. These many reasons include things such as the basic, but truly important, fact that arts in schools allow students to express themselves in a positive way. I also think that (and I don’t know if this is a proven fact or not) the more positive outlets you give students/kids, the less trouble they will get into overall. I say this because the arts in schools aren’t just drawing, painting, or sculpting, but are also playing, conducting, and creating music. The arts in schools also include shop class, sports, and clubs. I personally include all of these things that I just listed as arts in schools because they all require some form of creative energy or another. Another reason for as to why I say that arts in schools are important is that (and I’m just saying this out of my own opinion) they keep kids/ students out of trouble. How though? You might ask. Well the more free that a student feels to express themselves, the more relaxed they are with themselves, and the more relaxed that they are with themselves, the less they feel like they have to prove themselves, and it overall leads to a healthier environment not only in the students mind, but also in the community. Last but not least, arts in schools also keep kids out of trouble by keeping them busy. So overall I guess what I’m trying to say is that the more positively expressive and busy a kid is, the less likely they are to get into trouble and fall behind. Plus arts in schools are usually fun.

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