Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ok so here’s my honesty, I didn’t finish The Street Lawyer on time, but I did however find it to be an extremely interesting story so far.
                In the story it starts off with eight lawyers being unfortunately held hostage by a “suicide bomber”, that demands to be referred to as Mister, that had the eight lawyers at Drake and Sweeny law firm at gun point. However, what looked like to be dynamite strapped to Misters waist, just happened to be chopped up broom handles. So what was Misters point in doing this and was the “attempted” murder/suicide really unfortunate or did it turn out to be something more, different, or even fortunate? However the swat team does eventually come into the scene and shoots and kills Mister and then afterwards realizing that he was actually entirely unarmed. Still, however, what were Misters intentions? I mean I’m pretty sure it’s not every day that some random person wanders into a big, high class law firm and hold eight lawyers hostage for no reason. Or at least I’d hope so. So again the question still is what were Misters intentions?
                Well it turned out that before the swat team came into the scene, Mister had given a speech stating he was homeless and asking his rich, high class hostages what they had done do help the needy/homeless people. Michael, the story’s protagonist, happened to be one of the hostages and was also the one that got blood splattered on him when the swat team came in to shoot Mister. Any ways, Michael and his wife don’t work out; they file for divorce, Michael found more out about Mister, helped out at a soup kitchen, and had a change of heart. Some may say that what Michael went through was a midlife crisis, but in my opinion, through the series of events, Michael wasn’t experiencing a midlife crisis but instead a change for the better. Michael eventually quits his well paying job at Drake and Sweeny and transfers over to the 14th Street Legal Clinic that doesn’t even pay half as much as Drake and Sweeny and happened to be the legal clinic that was in support of the homeless and tried to provide food, shelter, and most of all a voice for the areas homeless population.
                So what do we think is in the future for Michael, will he find a good relationship, will he keep his job that he’s at now or will he transfer back to Drake and Sweeny, and what else might change in his life? Well Michael has found a woman named Ruby who Michael has hit it off pretty well with, so will they become something more? I hope so. However I also think that Michael will stay at the 14th Street Legal Clinic instead of transferring back. I think this because Michael seems happy with his new job, he feels as if he is making a real difference and that’s what he wanted in the first place.
                The theme of this story is more then just the legal side of things, but it also deals with expressing the situations of homeless people and how much it means to them when somebody gives them a helping hand and another voice.
                Unfortunately however, homelessness isn’t just in novels or back in different time eras, its everywhere and going on right now. Fortunately there are groups and organizations that deal with this and reach out to help those in need. These groups are ones such as the Cleveland street Chronicle, a news paper established by homeless people to bring others to the reality of homelessness, and the Housing First Initiative that helps to provide shelter and homes for the homeless people. These things are a lot like the 14th Street Legal Clinic because it provides needs for the needy.

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