Wednesday, December 3, 2014

In Michael’s case, in my opinion, he isn't going through a midlife crisis but instead completely rational reality check. For example, Michael and Clair split up got divorced. However that's not a bad thing, they are both being completely rational with how they feel about each other and they are both fully willing to face the reality that neither of them are in support of their marriage going any further and that they both agree on the fact that they feel they would be better off if they split up. That's not a midlife crisis, that's coming to reality and knowing what he wants out of life even though he isn't fully sure yet, he knows what a few of his barriers are and useless obstacles that he must rid of to get to where he wants to be in life and Clair happens to be one of them. Again that's not a "midlife crisis" that's learning, experience, and interests and in life, all of these things can change and in Michaels case, they are. However weather its fortunate or unfortunate changes; it's all a part of life.
Also, a week after being held hostage by a false suicide bomber, that also happened to be homeless, he decides to switch jobs to go help the homeless. However he’s not only going to help the homeless by helping to provide food, clothing, and shelter for them, he is also now a lawyer for them. So is it still a “midlife crisis”, or is it something more? And the next question is “does having someone’s life being put in jeopardy by a random homeless person really change someone’s outlook on their own life and others lives around them? Well apparently in Michaels case it did, however he wasn’t the only one that was held captive on that day, so why is he the only one that is really deciding to make a positive change in their own life and others? Maby the better question is ”what is causing Michael to have  a change of heart?  

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