Tuesday, September 23, 2014

If I were in Mr. Meads shoes (which takes place in the year 2052) I would be very upset. There are actually many reasons that i would be upset and to start off with, why is everything so dead seeming. I mean I get it that its the future in all, but people don't even really take walks anymore, and personally I love taking walks at night. For the fact that Mr. Mead was however unfortunately considered insane for taking walks at night instead of watching t.v. seems insane itself. Also the mechanical police, and the major decrease in crime rate due to the increase in t.v. watching also seems very odd and crazy. Although people are always trying to predict the future and babble on about flying cars and new extreme forms of technology, these things might sound and definitely be very crazy some of these things may someday become truer then we have ever imagined. Insane right?! However, I know how developed our technology is and that's the thing that scares me the most. Yeah I know its weird and technology can always be developed for the best and for good causes, but we don't need it taking over our lives like it is in the society that Mr. Mead lives in. I mean yeah it can be cool in all, but what is the extent to where technology is so advanced that people are relying on it so much that they stop teaching and learning things in school. Were already taking out certain subjects from school such as Penmanship, how do they expect kids to sign their signature. People are already relying on technology to extremes and they're not learning, not developing, and not learning how to be responsible. In my opinion technology can advance a little bit and we would be just fine, but we don't need extremes. So thaat's my opinion if I were in Mr.Meads shoes.

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