Friday, September 26, 2014

Okay so its been one of those weeks where every body's getting cranky and easily irritated. Both the teachers and students. Well it all started Monday, typical Mondays where every body's tired, cranky, and zombified, and naturally argument prone. It happened to be that one of the students, named Josh, just had to second guess everything and that eventually got on Mr. Bowser's nerves. The whole argument started out with being a discussion about who would win the basketball game that they were gonna play later, and how many points both teams were gonna win. Well Mr. Bowser said that his team, consisting of Eric,  Dustin, and Phil, was going to beat Mr. Lesse's team, consisting of Joe, Josh, and Alex, by 37 points with 3 3point shots and 2 rebounds. Well Josh then stated that his team was going to win with 4 3 point shots and 3 rebounds, and Mr. Bowser said well we will see later at lunch when we play. Well it happened to be that on that day, by the time lunch time came around, it started raining and of course Josh got upset and started an argument with Mr. Bowser about it. Of course to us girls thought that it was no big deal and then again were not basketball fans either so we just thought that the arguments were stupid and ill thought of. Well the next day it started again with Josh stating that either rain or shine he still wanted to play and Mr. Bowser said that if it was raining they weren't going to play. Half way through the day the temperature dropped and Mr. Bowser postponed the game for Wednesday and again Josh got highly irritated and started complaining. Finally Mr. Bowser told Josh that if he didn't stop complaining they weren't going to play at all. Josh then slammed his head on the table and started mumbling and finally I threw my How to Read Literature Like a Professor book at him. He then picked his head up threw the book back and Mr. Bowser yelled at us to stop throwing stuff across his room and right after that moment Josh threw the book back and it accidentally hit Mr. Bowser right in the face. Right after that moment Mrs. Cook, the principal, walked in and saw the book, still in action, flying across the room which resulted in everybody in the class getting in trouble and on the third day (the next day), everybody, especially Josh, that was involved got suspended.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

If I were in Mr. Meads shoes (which takes place in the year 2052) I would be very upset. There are actually many reasons that i would be upset and to start off with, why is everything so dead seeming. I mean I get it that its the future in all, but people don't even really take walks anymore, and personally I love taking walks at night. For the fact that Mr. Mead was however unfortunately considered insane for taking walks at night instead of watching t.v. seems insane itself. Also the mechanical police, and the major decrease in crime rate due to the increase in t.v. watching also seems very odd and crazy. Although people are always trying to predict the future and babble on about flying cars and new extreme forms of technology, these things might sound and definitely be very crazy some of these things may someday become truer then we have ever imagined. Insane right?! However, I know how developed our technology is and that's the thing that scares me the most. Yeah I know its weird and technology can always be developed for the best and for good causes, but we don't need it taking over our lives like it is in the society that Mr. Mead lives in. I mean yeah it can be cool in all, but what is the extent to where technology is so advanced that people are relying on it so much that they stop teaching and learning things in school. Were already taking out certain subjects from school such as Penmanship, how do they expect kids to sign their signature. People are already relying on technology to extremes and they're not learning, not developing, and not learning how to be responsible. In my opinion technology can advance a little bit and we would be just fine, but we don't need extremes. So thaat's my opinion if I were in Mr.Meads shoes.

Friday, September 19, 2014

my clone.

Ok so you walk into your house and you're already there... creepy?!
So what would be the first thing that you do? Well here's my idea. I walk into my house after work (and I totally smell like a barn because thats where I work) and i hear Rediculeousness on t.v. and I think to myself "hmm did I accidentally leave the t.v. on? Then at that moment I hear my "own personal voice" break out into total laughter comeing from my living room. Ok this isn't awkward or creepy at all. So the question is what's the first thing I do?  Easy, go into the living room and see what episode it is. Then there she is, an exact replica of me, my clone. So now I'm at the point of thinking well this is awesome, I have somebody that looks and sounds exactly like me and is apparently into the same stuff I am... so far. Then I can't help but notice the amazing smell of monster that I noticed comeing from her breath. This just keeps getting better! So I look at her and she looks at me back and gives me the same expression I've just gave her that says wow and woah at the same time (like if you're a person that loves metal music and you've just walked into Hot Topic and they have a ton of new band merch). Yeah that look. Well I gotta start the conversation somewhere so here it goes. "Hia hows it goin?" I ask. "Eh ok I guess, work was hectic at the barn and I almost got kicked by a three year old stallion that's got quite a hot temper, but besides that I've been good. So how are you?" ..."Wow I think to myself, not only did the same thing just happen to me today but honestly who is she? and should I be scared? No, I shouldn't be scared of myself, its just me... or  is it?! Now I'm thinking ok I have a clone, so should I keep her around or what?
Of course I should keep her around shes another me... that's awesome! I can have somebody help me get things done around here and I don't have to call off sick from work which also means that I get more vacation days. So from now on things are gonna  start looking up, hopefully. So having a clone might be creepy at first, but think about all the benefits that come from this, and if its a full clone of yourself, you get to control the actions and thoughts of your clone so it can't be used against you... awesome.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Death teaches us a lot about life, weather you realize it or not. Death teaches us things such as how to live, how to avoid conflict and bad situations, and also how to learn from mistakes weather their our own or somebody else s. For example, if somebody died doing something really stupid and illogical, would you then wan t to try it?! In life, death takes many places weather its personal or somebody else and weather it effects you or not. Sometimes death can be a life-changing experience weather it's positive or negative. Learning from mistakes is a key part of life and can ether help us or others and also both. Sometimes however, making mistakes in life to learn from them can turn out to be fatal or just not teach us anything at all. Just try to live life comfortably day by day and enjoy what you can while you can, learn from as many mistakes as possible (weather their yours or somebody else s) , never take anything for granite because you don't know when you'll lose it, and laugh at your own mistakes and embarrassments it makes lif easier to cope through, and always try your best so that when you make mistakes you dont regret them as much and you know that you tried your best. Life is all about, well anything and everything , making mistakes, fulfilling acomplishment, making and reaching goals, and aproaching death when its time and if you live your life right, death will just be a good nap. Don't let death cause you to be fearful and instead live your life to the fullest so that when death comes it wont be something to fear, but instead something to understand and feel pleasant with. So yes, death teaches us many things about life and vice versa.