Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Ok so here's a crazy thought, and if you think puberty can be uncomfortable, imagine waking up as a horse. Well the truth is is that this just happened to me a whole month ago on the 8th of May, my birthday. I awoke from a sudden deep sleep at the crack of dawn to find myself in the situation of knowing that I was dreaming but couldn't remember a single thing. Of course, when I woke up, I still happened to be in my room. And not to mind you, but I wasn't your typical Shetland pony and for that fact I was a tall, lean, purebred, jet black thoroughbred, and that's a decently big horse. I love horses in all, and don't get me wrong, but I wasn't born into this, I'm 16 years old with the memories and ideas of a human, not a horse. So what now? Here I am, a big horse, in my room with not only no way to get out of my room, but how did this happen, how do I change back, and if that's not at all possible, how do I become adapted to this. Well I guess I have one advantage in this situation, my pet horse Macie, a medium sized, paint/haflinger cross, mare that's an extreme sweetheart that means the world to me. Well coming to think of her, I guess my biggest conflict, at the moment, is getting out of my room and who knows, I'm a horse now and maby I can speak to and understand Macie and maby she can help me to at least adapt to this. 
    In this situation, having slight hope for how to get this stuff figured out, I suddenly became very hungry. In that moment, I suddenly heard a loud thump from the room right next to mine, my brothers room. So again I think to myself "I thought he wasn't coming home tonight" and in that moment I suddenly hear his door creak open and I hear him let out a loud tired sounding sigh as if he just got home from work and he hasn't slept in a weak. Well it's now 4:08 in the morning and I'm in quite the situation. Great, so now I not only feel as if I'm practically starving, but now my brothers awake. Ahah, I got it, as soon as my brother goes back into his room I can just go outside and live in my barn with my horse. One problem, the doors are locked and I now have hooves instead of hands. Well I might as well take advantage of that fact that my brothers up. I guess at first they would blame me for bringing a horse in the house, but on the other hand I can't get in trouble for being me so if I can just figure out a way for them to not notice that Im missing and instead to realize that I'm the horse. Well this is slightly easier, all I have to do now is get my brother to open up the front door for me so I can get outside and talk to Macie. Here it goes. Hey I yell to my brother and suddenly I hear a loud neigh echo from me, oh yeah, I neigh now. Then my brother immediately ran towards the front door and swung it open letting me out and now I wish I had some way to thank him, so I turned my head and gave him a slight nod to let him know that I was thankful for the gesture and at that same moment he mutters to me "you stupid horse". Of course that's my typical brother who hates horses. So I make it to my barn and talk to Macie and thank God I can understand her. She then tells me everything that happened and manages to reverse me back to myself and I thank her and head back into the house and by now it's 4:15, my brothers fast asleep and nobody else has woken up yet so I gratefully head back into my room and fall back asleep.

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